Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sneak Peak...

Get excited because The Real Life Mom is learning how to be more "crafty". And trust me....If The Real Life Mom can do it....Anyone can do it!!!

Can you guess what it is?


  1. Yup Jesse! You are right....a baby gator onsie! Thanks Jesse and Jenn for following!

  2. i read your next post but i am commenting on this since i am here. i also looked into my sons closet to find the ONLY gator thing that fits him right now is a long sleeve shirt and beanie- not weather appropriate! he does have a hawaiian shirt that are the correct colors, just nothing official. i ran to bealls to find 40% off gator shirts! i picked one up to buy me some time for this week...not sure a bow in his hair will work though!
    eventually i will figure out how to make a blog- i would love to!

  3. Thanks Jesse for letting us know about the sale! I might have to check thta out too! I'll be sure to put in my next post a "how to" for a little boys gator tie onsie/shirt! And thanks for following...be sure to sign up on the right hand side so that you get updates!


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