Sunday, September 19, 2010

{Fresh} Ones

{Babies are bits of stardust, blown from the hand of God.} ~Barretto

It is hard to believe how they start tiny and new. There is something about them that is just so fresh! Their newness brings loved ones together to celebrate the miracle that they are.

This last week I have had the honor to meet two new and fresh miracles...pause as my heart skips a beat...

MacKenna Lynn

Charolette Elizabeth
(The Newest member of 7th lane :) )

Meeting these two baby girls and snuggling them brought back so many memories of my wee one...It seems like just yesterday that God blessed us with our miracle...

Averee Ann
She stole my heart before she was even born....

The moment you get to hold your baby for the first time is probably the single most incredible experience in life. That moment showed me just what love is. I knew that our life would never be the same but I also knew that it would be SO much better because she was apart of it. Cherish these moments because they quicklypass but get excited because it gets better every single day! Thank you Averee Ann for being my treasure, my beautiful gift from God!


  1. beautifully spoken, love to you all, xoxo

  2. Thanks Aunt Mary! And thanks for reading! We love and miss you!


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