Monday, September 13, 2010

The case of the missing bottle...

Dunnnnnn dun dun dunnnnnnnn.

Ok so that is probably not how you spell the sound of the ridiculous music that is sure to play in every cheesy thriller but I felt it appropriate as I have a flare for the dramatic (shhhh don't tell my husband....I am constantly telling him that Averee has learned to be so dramatic from him!).

I wish that I could say the bottle in question here was maybe say a nice bottle of red or heck I'd even take white and that when I found it alls I would need is a cork screw and a dear friend to enjoy it with.

But it was actually one of Averee's bottles that was missing. Silly me assumed that it must be at Averee's sitters house or one of her grandparents homes since she has been traveling between the three quite a lot this week.

So imagine my surprise when Averee so sweetly comes running to my side with a bottle...half filled with what I can only assume used to be milk!!! I'm not sure as to where said bottle was hiding and I'm sure I probably do not want to know but alls I can say is thank goodness she did not attempt to drink it. I mean I'm not positive on this but I'm pretty sure any thing that is suppossed to be liquid but is filled with solids has probably reached it's prime!

Oh the joys!


  1. Been there but with cups and my older child, Gwen. This also goes with snack cups.

  2. enjoyed the read, keep on writting Michelle

  3. I'm glad that you are enjoying the blog! And I am certain this will not be the last bottle that I am to find! hehe


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