Wednesday, February 1, 2012

{Big Sis}

 Sibling love.

Honestly, I was so excited to see how Averee and Reid would grow together. To see them be there for one each other out. It has weighed so heavy on my heart that Averee and Reid will not get to experience this sibling I so wanted for both of them.

But do you want to know what? Even though Reid is not here on earth their relationship seems to be thriving. Averee loves to talk to her baby brother and yesterday she did just that. She looked right up to the sky (as she always does when she talks to him) and just started talking.

There is so much wrong with these photos (i.e. the up the nose shot!) but at the same time so much that is right. This is a moment that I will be able to show Averee one her how much she has always loved her brother :).

Play time!


  1. she's so beautiful... and that's amazing how children can love!!!

  2. Michelle she is breathtaking. I love that you are trying to stay positive and strong. You are such an amazing mama. Averee AND Reid are so lucky to have you.


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